The idea of the workshop 

We intend to bring together leading scientists working in the field of quantum simulation, who make use of either analogue or discrete simulation methods. Analogue simulators find natural applications in the investigation of quantum systems ruled by continuous time Hamiltonians. On the other hand, it was theoretically shown that quantum simulators based on discrete time operations can also provide an excellent approximation for continuous time systems. In recent years, both analogue and discrete simulation methods have been receiving significant attention from theory to develop new strategies and algorithms, while experimental advances with atoms, ions, and photons allow for the investigation of nontrivial problems, which are otherwise intractable using classical computers.

Dr. Andrea Alberti
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meschede
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Werner

Important dates

  • 10–12/02/2014: the workshop at the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef
  • 20/12/2013: deadline for submission of abstracts
  • 20/12/2013: deadline for registrations

Lab visits

We are glad to offer guided lab tours. If you are interested, please let us know.


This workshop is kindly sponsored by the Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Foundation, which promotes research and education in area of natural sciences and especially of Physics.